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3 Benefits to Having an Ongoing Service Contract

Like any complex system, routine maintenance is the key to keeping your HVAC system running efficiently and extending its lifespan. An HVAC service contract is the ideal way to make sure that your system receives the care that it needs at regular intervals, and it offers several tangible benefits for both you and your HVAC system.

Regular Professional Maintenance

By choosing an HVAC service contract, your system will receive regular maintenance by professionals that are familiar with your system and that you can trust, according to the guidelines recommended by the manufacturer of the system. Not only does this keep your HVAC system operating properly and efficiently, it also protects its warranty and value. Service will be scheduled according to the requirements of the system, and typically includes things like changing the air filter, cleaning the air condioner coils, checking the refrigerant levels and cleaning the air handler.

Lower Energy Costs

With an HVAC service contract, your system will be kept in prime condition, preventing issues like clogged air filters, worn belts and dirty condenser or compressor coils. Such problems can make your system work harder to keep your home comfortable, increasing your energy usage and your utility costs.

Extended Service Life

An HVAC system that receives regular maintenance will last much longer than a system that receives only the minimal amount, and will experience fewer problems over its lifetime. Regular maintenance also helps to reduce long-term repair costs by catching problems early, preventing them from doing further damage to the system and extending its lifespan.

To learn more about the benefits of an HVAC service contract, talk to our professionals at Conditioned Air today. We have HVAC service contracts available for both our residential and our commercial customers, and we offer service throughout the Southwest Florida region, from the Bradenton area to Marco Island, including the communities of Ft. Myers, Sarasota and Naples.

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