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3 Easy Ways to Keep a Lid on Energy Consumption

Keeping utility costs under control in Southwest Florida can be a challenge, especially as peak air conditioning season arrives. By taking a few simple measures to control your energy consumption, however, you can reduce your utility bills, while helping the environment.

Have the Air Conditioning System Serviced

Routine maintenance, such as changing the air filter and cleaning the evaporator and condenser coils, will help the air conditioning system to transfer heat and move air more efficiently. Not only does this reduce energy costs, but it also helps to extend the life of the system. Adding a programmable thermostat and setting it to raise the temperature 5 degrees anytime you are away from home can also lower your energy consumption significantly.

Reduce Heat Gain

Another way to reduce energy usage is by eliminating some of the extra heat produced in your home, making the job of the air conditioner easier. Use shades and blinds during the daytime to block the heat of the sun, and open the windows during cooler periods for natural ventilation and cooling. Avoid using heat-generating appliances like clothes dryers, dishwashers and ovens during the day, and wait until the evening when it is cooler to cook or bathe. When the air conditioning system is installed, place the outdoor unit in a shady location, if possible, or consider adding some shade.

Use Efficient Appliances

Choosing the right appliances and electronics can have a significant impact on your energy costs. When replacing older models, purchase the most efficient versions possible, such as those that are Energy Star-rated. Turn off appliances, lights and electronics when they are not in use, and consider using outlet strips to completely turn off devices that have a continuous power draw, such as televisions and cable boxes. Replace older incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient CFL or LED models, and turn down your water heater to 120 degrees, instead of the typical 140-degree factory setting.

For more tips to reduce energy consumption, talk to our HVAC professionals at Conditioned Air today. We have been serving the Southwest Florida area, from Bradenton to Marco Island, since 1962.


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