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3 Easy Ways To Boost Cooling System Efficiency

Once the heat and humidity reach their peak in the Southwest Florida region, it can be difficult to keep your air conditioning costs under control. By taking a few steps to boost cooling system efficiency, however, you can lessen the effects of the higher temperatures and save money, while still remaining comfortable.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

One of the easiest and most effective ways to boost cooling system efficiency is by replacing your older thermostat with a new programmable model, then optimizing it to fit your schedule perfectly. By raising the temperature 10 degrees while you are at work or away, and reducing it just before you arrive home, you can reduce your cooling costs by up to 20 percent. Try to find a model that fits your routine, such as one with a separate program for weekends and weekdays, if you have a standard business schedule, or one with an individual program for each day, if your schedule is more flexible. The newest models offer features like self-programming, Wi-Fi connectivity and touchscreen interfaces that make them simple and convenient to use.

Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils, replacing the air filter and cleaning the air handler, can keep your air conditioner running more efficiently and extend its lifespan. Have your system professionally inspected and serviced at least twice a year for the best results, and check the air filter yourself monthly.

Reduce Heat Gain

Adding extra heat during the daytime can make your cooling system work harder to keep you comfortable. Seal and insulate your home to prevent unnecessary heat gain, and close blinds or curtains during the day to block solar gain. Postpone heat-generating activities like bathing, cooking, laundry or washing dishes until the evening, and be sure to use exhaust fans to eliminate extra humidity. Replace inefficient incandescent bulbs with LEDS or fluorescents to save energy and reduce heat output.

For more ways to boost cooling system efficiency, talk to our experts at Conditioned Air, serving Ft. Myers, Naples and Sarasota since 1962.

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