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3 Easy Ways To Help Control Summer Allergies

With so many plants blooming, summer can be a difficult time for allergy suffers in Southwest Florida. While there is not much you can do about the pollen counts outside, there are several simple ways to control summer allergies inside your home, creating a comfortable retreat for the worst days.

Service the Air Conditioning System

Closing the windows and using the air conditioner when pollen counts are high is one of the best ways to control summer allergies, but if your system is not properly maintained, it can actually make the problem worse. Pollen, dust and other allergens can accumulate in the air handler, air filter and evaporator, and can then be distributed throughout you home when the system is used. Have your air conditioner inspected and serviced at least twice a year, which should include cleaning the coils, replacing the air filter and cleaning the air handler. Between service visits, change the air filter yourself every two to three months.

Use Hypoallergenic Linens

Choose hypoallergenic mattress covers, pillows, sheets and other bedding products, and wash them weekly to minimize allergens. Remove unnecessary clutter in your bedroom and closet to reduce the surfaces that can accumulate allergens, and when working outside, wash your clothes immediately, rather than storing them in a hamper, to eliminate excess pollen. Store seasonal clothes and bedding in sealed bags or bins to minimize dust and allergen accumulations.

Clean Often

Vacuum your home at least weekly using a machine with a HEPA filter, and dust often using electrostatic wipes or moist cloths. Whenever possible, use wood, vinyl or tile flooring, instead of carpets, to reduce allergen accumulations. When softer surfaces are desired, add throw rugs and take them outside monthly to beat the dust and pollen out of them.

At Conditioned Air, our team can help you control summer allergies with regular air conditioner maintenance, air cleaners, ventilation systems and more. Contact us today for service in the Southwest Florida area, from Bradenton to Marco Island.

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