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3 Reasons for Expectant Parents to Call for HVAC Service

Although “Schedule HVAC service” is likely not on the to-do lists for expectant parents who are preparing for the arrival of their little ones, it should be. The condition of a home’s HVAC system can have an impact on air quality, which could lead to problems for both mother and child. If you are expecting, here are a few reasons that you should schedule service immediately. 

Air Quality 

Over time, an air filter traps dirt, allergens, and other debris that would normally pass through your HVAC system. Unfortunately, if the filter is dirty, the debris will be pushed through anyway and can wind up being spread throughout your home through the duct system. Poor air quality could mean respiratory issues for the expectant mother and a weakened immune system for the unborn child. 


As the baby grows, being in a comfortable environment is important. Whether that means turning up the heat or cool air, it is important that the HVAC system is ready to go when needed. Problems, such as dirty filters and frozen evaporator coils, have an impact on how well a unit can perform. A poorly functioning system can mean discomfort for the mother. 

Utility Bills 

Finances are often a concern of expectant parents and a malfunctioning HVAC system can add to those woes. When a system has not been properly serviced, it can sometimes work harder to function. This results in a higher energy bill. It could even mean facing the expense of replacing the system sooner rather than later. 

Give our team a call to learn more about how important it is to service your HVAC system while waiting on the arrival of your baby. You can learn more about servicing the unit and also what steps you can take to ensure that it continues to operate smoothly before and after the baby’s birth. Contact Conditioned Air today at (239) 643-2445 for additional information or to schedule an appointment!

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