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3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can cause symptoms such as stuffiness, coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes or a runny nose, and it can be especially detrimental to those with asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions. With just a bit of work, though, there are a few simple ways that you can improve the indoor air quality in your Florida home and make it more comfortable.

Change the Air Filter on the HVAC System Often

The primary job of the air filter in your HVAC system is to protect the system from dirt accumulation and damage, but it also helps to keep the air in your home clean. It should be checked every month that the HVAC system is used, and replaced when it becomes noticeably dirty or clogged, or about every three months. To improve indoor air quality, choose a filter with a higher MERV rating, or upgrade to an electrostatic or HEPA filter. Also, consider installing a whole-home air cleaner.

Avoid Dust Accumulation

Vacuum your home at least once a week with a machine that uses a HEPA filter, and dust tables, shelves, ceiling fans, wood trim, and other areas with moist cloths or electrostatic wipes. Remove throw rugs once a month and take them outside to beat the dust out of them. Reduce clutter and store extra clothes and other items in sealed containers to avoid dust accumulation. Wash bedding at least once a week, and consider installing washable slipcovers on upholstered furniture.

Keep Humidity at Healthy Levels

Dust mites and many microorganisms prefer high humidity, and by keeping humidity levels between 40 and 50 percent, you can improve indoor air quality. Have your HVAC system inspected and maintained at least twice a year to make sure it is running well and dehumidifies properly, and consider adding a separate whole-home dehumidifier. Use ventilation fans in the bathroom and kitchen when bathing or cooking to avoid adding extra moisture to the air.

For more ways to improve indoor air quality, talk to our HVAC professionals at Conditioned Air, serving the Southwest Florida area.

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