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4 DIY Maintenance Tips for Your AC Unit

Our air conditioning units in Southwest Florida run more than anywhere else in the United States. The average lifespan of a HVAC unit in Southwest Florida is 10-12 years which means it is very important to make sure your unit has proper care and preventative maintenance. We recommend our maintenance plans for proper and professional cleaning twice per year but in the meantime here is some do-it-yourself tips to help get the most out of your hvac unit all year long.


  1. Clean and unblock all vents and register : Make sure your airflow is consistent throughout the home
  2. Program your thermostat: Saves money and saves you time
  3. Clean your drain line with hot water and vinegar : This makes sure your unit doesn’t get clogged up
  4. Clean or replace your air filters: Because no one likes a dirty air filter 


Keep your ac unit running year round and make sure you follow these tips and more on our website

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