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4 Signs You May Need a New HVAC System

An HVAC system is an important investment for your home and your family especially here in Southwest Florida. Installing a new system in Sarasota, Naples & Fort Myers may seem expensive, but repairing an old inefficient system may cost you a considerable amount of money as well. High utility bills and maintenance costs may continue to pile up. An overworked system can also lead to fires, mold or structural weaknesses. It’s a fact that our AC Units run more than anywhere in the country. Is it time to upgrade?

Having the unfortunate surprise of a failing system is never pleasant.  Lack of air conditioning in the hot summer months can cause serious discomfort and safety risks especially with the elderly and children.

Here are four signs that you may need to consider a new HVAC system for your home:

Your System Was Installed Over 8 Years ago

This may seem obvious but there is good reasoning behind a new system. If your unit is older than 8 years, it is probably not energy efficient and does not perform as well. Newer efficient systems can save you up to 40% on utility costs and may offer programmable thermostats which are easier for your family to use. Upgrading can save you time and money on your electric bill.

Repairs Keep Adding Up

When motors, coils or compressors fail in your old system, the labor and parts costs can add up quickly. Replacing your old, deteriorating system with a new system may be a much more beneficial investment over time when compared to mounting repair costs.


Your System Is Loud

If your air conditioning and heating unit is making aggressive and loud sounds, this could be a sign of more serious, underlying problems. Blowers, motors and fans within your HVAC system should work without squealing or grinding sounds.


Your Indoor Air Quality has diminished 

Old or run down systems can carry mold, allergens, excess humidity and dust into your living space. If this is the case, your current system may just need some duct sealing and leak repairs to improve it, or you could need a new system entirely.. Having a Conditioned Air tech inspect your home’s HVAC will uncover the extent of the problem. If your old system is insufficient or malfunctioning enough, you should consider budgeting for a new one, instead of pouring resources into something that can only be marginally improved upon.

One thing to note here is that our techs never work on commission so you can rest assured. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms with your home’s HVAC system, or you have any questions, Call Conditioned Air at 1-888-COLD-AIR to schedule a an inspection of your heating and air conditioning unit! We are happy to help 24/7!

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