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5 Ways to Reduce Strain on your AC System

With the hot and humid weather in Southwest Florida, any extra stress on your air conditioner can not only increase your energy usage and utility costs, but it can also lead to premature failure of the system. By taking a few simple precautions and keeping up with routine maintenance, extending the life of an HVAC system is possible, and relatively easy.

Have the System Inspected Twice a Year

Routine maintenance is the key to extending the life of an HVAC system. Have a professional inspect the system at least twice a year, performing regular maintenance like cleaning the coils and changing the air filter, as well as looking for anything that may pose a problem in the future. With the system in prime condition, it will not have to work as hard, extending its useful lifespan.

Replace the Air Filter Often

Between service visits, you should check the air filter yourself at least once a month. A clogged filter significantly reduce efficiency and make your system work harder, shortening its lifespan. Also, keep the outdoor condenser unit free of leaves and other debris to keep the system running smoothly.

Seal and Insulate the Air Ducts

As much as 40 percent of the energy typically used for cooling is wasted in poorly sealed and insulated ductwork. By having a professional seal and insulate your air ducts, your system will operate more efficiently, reducing your energy costs.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

When you are away from home, raising the temperature about 5 degrees can not only reduce cooling costs, but it also decreases stress on your air conditioning system. A programmable thermostat makes raising the temperature and returning it to normal easy and automatic.

Minimize Heat Gain

Extra heat in your home adds undue stress to your air conditioner. Close the blinds or shades during the daytime to prevent solar gain, and avoid heat-generating activities like cooking, bathing and washing dishes or clothes until the evening, when it is cooler.

For more tips about extending the life of an HVAC system, talk to our experts at Conditioned Air today, serving Southwest Florida.

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