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06Days 02Hours 38Minutes 55Seconds

6000 Square Foot Naples Luxury Home with Unexplained Odor Problem

Partner: E3 Building Sciences

E3 Building Sciences is a sophisticated engineering service company that, among other things, manages the EPA’s Energy Star program in the state of Florida. They contacted Conditioned Air to solve an odor problem that was traced to a brand new air conditioning system. The system was expensive but it was too big for the job and as a result failed to remove humidity. Due to the humidity, mold began to grow in the house. Conditioned Air was able to add two dehumidifiers, one of which was in a very challenging location, in order to solve the problem. Humidity dropped from an unacceptable level of 64% to 48%.

John Kiefer, cofounder of E3 building sciences, found Conditioned Air to be a natural choice based on his extensive Energy Star testing. He examined more than 250 Conditioned Air installations in Energy Star homes and found everyone to be up to specification. In his experience, that level of performance is extraordinary. John noted that he has worked with them on a number of large, complex projects and in each case found them both thorough and flexible.

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