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Conditioned Air plans to build a 52,710-square-foot operations center in Fort Myers to accommodate the air-conditioning contracting and service firm’s current and future growth throughout Southwest Florida. The building will be located at the intersection of Jetport Loop and Global Parkway in the Southwest International Commerce Park across from the Southwest Florida International Airport. The building will encompass 10,800 square feet of office space, 31,110 square feet of warehouse space, and 10,800 square feet of mezzanine for storage and future expansion. The building will be Conditioned Air’s central hub for the growing Lee and Charlotte County markets and provide operational support for its Naples headquarters and Sarasota branches. It also will serve as the company’s main training facility, with a fully functional training lab for hands-on continuous education and onboarding of entry-level technicians. The new operations center will replace an existing smaller facility nearby on Jetport Loop. Permitting is currently underway on the location. It is anticipated that ground will be broken on the site in October with completion and occupancy scheduled for July 2020. The building will be designed by McHarris Planning & Design and developed by Seagate Development Group. Conditioned Air plans to double in size in the next five to seven years, according to a press release.

-Gulfshore Business Daily

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