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How To Determine The Best A/C Equipment For Your Home

If you are considering a new air conditioner for your Southwest Florida home, determining the best A/C equipment for your needs can be difficult. There are several types of systems, differences in cooling efficiency and a variety of features. Here are a few tips for determining the best A/C equipment for your home:

System Type

A conventional central air conditioner offers cooling only, with an outdoor condenser unit and an indoor air handler that delivers conditioned air though a system of ducts. A heat pump looks and operates similar to a central air conditioner, but it is reversible, allowing it to also provide heating. Ductless mini split systems feature an individual air handler for each room or zone, connected to an exterior condenser, and they are available with cooling only, or both cooling and heating. If you have ducts installed, either a central air conditioner or a heat pump would be a good choice. For homes without ducts or for a single room, a ductless system can be more cost-effective. If you require both heating and cooling, a heat pump or a ductless system would be the best choice.

Energy Efficiency

Air conditioners are classified by their SEER rating, or seasonal energy efficiency ratio. A higher number means greater energy efficiency, with systems typically ranging from 14 SEER to over 20. By paying a bit more initially for an efficient system, you can earn that money back over its lifetime through reduced cooling costs. For systems that offer heating, look for an HSPF, or heating seasonal performance factor, of higher than 8 for the best energy efficiency.


Optional features like multiple-speed compressors and blower motors provide more consistent cooling and quieter operation. Zoning systems enable the temperature in each zone to be controlled independently, allowing you to reduce cooling in unused rooms and save money. Wi-Fi thermostats allow for easy programming and increased energy savings. Select a system with the features that are best for your needs and your budget.

Just contact Conditioned Air for all your options.


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