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Do Not Believe These Common Air Conditioning Myths

Air conditioning technology has been around for decades, but many people still have a difficult time determining what is true and what is not when it comes to air conditioning, as it relates to service, maintenance, repairs, and more. As time goes on, many people have accepted some of the myths and misconceptions as facts.

Today, we want to help set the record straight by busting some of the common myths and misconceptions you may have heard. Conditioned Air has been in the business since 1962, so trust us when we say we’ve seen a lot of misinformation in our day!

Myth 1: I Can Ignore Minor AC Unit Issues

Some people believe that as long as the air conditioner turns on and works, everything will be fine. Some people will ignore problems as long as the issues seem minor. Some people may choose to ignore unusual sounds or smells that will come out of the air conditioner. This can be compared to our breathing; as long as we are breathing, people will automatically assume we are fine.

Unfortunately, thinking this way has numerous flaws. If you notice any type of sound or smell that is out of the ordinary, we do not want you to ignore it. We want you to reach out to an experienced professional to have your air conditioning checked out. If you choose to ignore any problem with the air conditioner, you could find yourself without a working air conditioner.

Myth 2: I Do Not Need To Pay For Yearly Maintenance

We understand that many homeowners may believe paying for yearly maintenance will result in wasted money. However, this is not the case. Yearly air conditioning maintenance is not a scam or a waste of your money. If you make the decision to have your air conditioner maintained on a consistent basis, you will be contributing to having an effective and efficient air conditioner.

Having your air conditioner routinely checked will help prevent the need for more costly repairs. A professional air conditioning contractor or technician will inspect all aspects of your air conditioning unit. If the air conditioning technician finds any type of issue, your AC unit will receive the necessary repairs. So, you can actually save money by paying for yearly maintenance.

Myth 3: I Should Use The Lowest Setting On My AC

One of the common myths we have heard is that setting your thermostat on a low setting will cool your home faster. While this may seem like the case, it does not work this way. Your air conditioning unit will work the same way regardless if you take your thermostat down by 20 degrees or by 5 degrees. We encourage homeowners to use the thermostat setting that is needed at the time.

Do not let common air conditioning myths and misconceptions stop you from scheduling an air conditioning tune-up. If you have any questions about your HVAC system, give us a call! We’re more than happy to answer your questions and offer solutions where we can.


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