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Is Duct Cleaning Really Necessary? (Hint: Yes!)

The air ducts in your Southwest Florida home are responsible for delivering conditioned air into each room so, over time, they can collect dust, pet dander, pollen and other allergens, especially when the HVAC system is not being used frequently. Periodic duct cleaning can improve your indoor air quality and may increase the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Why Duct Cleaning Is Important

Poor indoor air quality can cause symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes, runny nose or fatigue, or worsen pre-existing symptoms. It is especially problematic for those who have allergies, asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory conditions. Regular duct cleaning can remove irritants like dust, dander and pollen from inside the air ducts, preventing them from being distributed throughout the home when the HVAC system is turned on. Large accumulations of dust, especially in the return ducts, can also harm the efficiency of your HVAC system by clogging the air filter and evaporator coil, making it work harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

When It Should Be Done

Typically, it is a good idea to have your air ducts cleaned every 3 to 5 years, and it can be scheduled to coincide with one of your semi-annual routine maintenance appointments for extra convenience. If one of your family members has a respiratory condition, or if your area is excessively dusty or has high pollen counts, you may want to consider more frequent duct cleaning, with services scheduled annually during the spring allergy season and just before your home is closed up for the winter. Finally, if you have had recent home renovations, it is a good idea to clean the ducts afterward to remove any household dust, sawdust or other particles that may have found their way into the air ducts during the project.

To learn more about the benefits of periodic duct cleaning, talk to our HVAC professionals at Conditioned Air. We have offices in Naples, Sarasota and Ft. Myers, and we serve communities throughout the Southwest Florida region.

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