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Not Just Our Hero

“Last Friday in the Strand my husband and I witnessed an accident where a driver lost control and went across the median into the brush. Your driver pulled over and immediately ran to the car to help. Seeing that there was smoke coming from the engine block area and smoke was filling the interior, he immediately ran back to your van and ran back with a fire extinguisher. He put out the fire (looked like it was coming from the brush beneath the vehicle. My husband and he attempted to get into the vehicle and finally succeeded. Your employee was on the phone with 911 and they cut the air bags and talked to the man (greatly injured and bleeding, until emergency personnel arrived. Your employee showed great bravery and reaction time as well as the ability to make a quick decision which may well have saved the injured man’s life. He is a hero in my eyes”

-Mary from Naples

As you can see, Rodney isn’t just our hero for helping this man out but Mary was compelled to share her and her husband’s experience with us and we are thankful for her doing so. We are so proud of you Rodney, and your commitment to helping others in the time of need. This is what it’s all about.

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