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Hiring The Right AC Expert For The Job

We all know them. Maybe we’ve even been one. They’re armchair experts. Those friends, family members and acquaintances that convince us they can do the job we need to have done for a fraction of what it costs to call a real expert.

You might get lucky and the “armchair” repair is a success leaving you with a few extra bucks in your pocket. Often, you pay that friend a small fee and end up calling an expert in the end. When it comes to air conditioning repair, save you time and money by working with a real expert first. 

What qualifies a contractor to be an expert in air conditioning?

From the basics to top-tier qualifications, we recommend that you look for the following when hiring an air conditioning contractor:

  1. Fully licensed and insured. This is a given. Anyone who comes into your home should be licensed and insured in the state where the work will be done. 
  2. Employs NATE-certified technicians. NATE certification tells you that the technician is committed to be a leader in his/her field. In fact, NATE stands for “North American Technician Excellence.” To become NATE-certified, technicians put themselves through rigorous testing to demonstrate their expertise in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR).
  3. Comes highly recommended. Though not a regulated qualification, you want to work with a contractor who comes recommended by people and communities you trust. This is where your friends, family members and acquaintances can lend their knowledge. If they’re happy with a contractor’s work, the odds are great that you will too. Outside of a personal recommendation, you can consult regulated review sites such as Google and Facebook. 

You want to get it right the first time when it comes to air conditioning repair (or any HVAC needs). Leave the armchair experts in the armchairs at your Super Bowl party and leave the air conditioning repairs to the experts. You’ll be more satisfied and spend less money in the end. 

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