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How to Tell If an Air Conditioner Fuse is Blown

A number of different problems can occur in an air conditioner that can cause it to stop functioning. However, if you notice that your air conditioner just up and dies on you during some of the hottest days of the year, it may actually be caused by a blown fuse.

What happens when an air conditioner blows a fuse is that fuse was preventing damage to the air conditioning unit and the electrical system. A common example is during a heat wave when the air conditioner needs to run itself almost constantly. At this time, it may heat up beyond the normal levels. If it gets too hot, a fuse will blow in order to stop any damage or potential fires from happening. While this keeps your home safe, it does stop the AC from functioning.

If a fuse has blown, most commonly you will still hear a humming coming from the outdoor unit. This is the unit still asking for a current, but not getting anything. If you have a voltmeter and know how to use it, you can concretely test to see if a fuse has blown.

Is it Safe to Check for a Blown Fuse?

As this is an electrical issue, if you are ever unsure of what to do next, you will want to call a professional air conditioner technician. In most cases just because the fuse was blown doesn’t mean the current has stopped flowing. This means that while you are investigating your blown fuse and happen to find something like wire damage as the cause, you will want to avoid touching it for your own safety.

As is the case with most electrical issues, it is often safer and quicker to just call a professional. As this issue often happens when the temperatures are at their hottest, speed can be a huge deciding factor.

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