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Let’s us help you troubleshoot….

An air conditioner that isn’t working properly can be a cause for concern, but it shouldn’t make you panic. Sometimes a few simple troubleshooting steps can let you resolve the problem and get the system working again without the need to call for repair. Here are a few things to look for when troubleshooting air conditioner problems and A/C noises.

A/C Doesn’t Work

  • Check the power supply to the air conditioner and make sure it is plugged in and receiving power.
  • See if the circuit breaker controlling the A/C has tripped. Reset the breaker and see if the air conditioner comes on. If the A/C unit keeps tripping the breaker, there may be an electrical problem that needs to be fixed.
  • Make sure all vents and registers are open and free of blockages from furniture, boxes, clothing, or other objects that could restrict airflow.
  • Make sure the thermostat is working and that the temperature and operational settings are appropriate for the season. Change the batteries in the thermostat if necessary.

A/C Noises

  • Rattling or clattering noises coming from your air conditioner could be the result of an access panel or other cover being loose.
  • If you detect new or unusual A/C noises, give the system a short period of time to operate and see if the noises continue.

A/C Produces No Cool Air

  • If the fan is working, make sure that the system hasn’t been set to fan-only operation. Set the system to “cool” if necessary.
  • Listen to make sure the compressor is working and that coolant is being circulated through the system.
  • Check the HVAC system ductwork to ensure that there are not damaged or missing sections and that all sections are fitted tightly together. Each connection should also be sealed with mastic, a specialized sealant, or with metal tape.

Conditioned Air helps the residents of Ft. Myers, Sarasota, Naples, Bradenton, and the surrounding Florida communities keep their air conditioners working properly and reliably. Contact us today for more information on troubleshooting air conditioning problems and A/C noises when your cooling system isn’t working the way it should.

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