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What You Need to Know about Mini Split Air Conditioners

Conventional air conditioning systems waste up to 40 percent of the energy they use through losses in the air duct system. By eliminating ducts, mini split air conditioners offer a more efficient alternative that’s easy to install in existing homes, new homes or additions. If you’re considering mini split air conditioners for your home, here are a few things you should know beforehand.

Installation Requirements

Mini split air conditioners are installed in two sections, an outdoor condenser unit and one or more interior air handlers that can be wall- or ceiling-mounted. The two halves are connected by refrigerant lines and electrical cables through a 4- to 6-inch opening, allowing a flexible installation in nearly any room with very little construction required. There are no ducts or vents to add, and the cool air is delivered directly where it’s needed.

Energy Efficiency

Because mini split systems eliminate the ductwork, they’re typically 30 to 40 percent more efficient than standard systems, resulting in significantly lower cooling costs.


Mini split systems tend to cost up to 30 percent more than traditional air conditioning solutions, though the higher initial price can easily be earned back through long-term energy savings. They are also one of the most cost-effective ways to add cooling to an addition or to a home without air ducts, such as those heated by electric, hot water or steam systems.

Optional Zoning

Mini split air conditioners are available as single-zone systems, with a condenser unit and a single air handler, or as multiple-zone systems, with a condenser unit and several interior air handlers. With a multiple-zone system, an entire house can be cooled, with each zone having independent temperature controls. Cooling costs can then be reduced by keeping some areas at higher temperatures than frequently used rooms.

To learn more about mini split air conditioners, talk to our HVAC professionals at Conditioned Air, serving Southwest Florida.

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