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Reminder: Change Your Air Filters

Life keeps us busy. Keep your family breathing fresh by changing your filters. In Southwest Florida, all sorts of allergens are in our air daily since we live on a peninsula. Below you will find good tips on when and how to change your air filter for your unit.


Here’s a few tips and a timeline for you on keeping your filters fresh .

  • Single occupant homes without pets or allergies: Change 6-12 months
  • Typical home without pets: Change every 90 days
  • Add a dog/cat: Change every 60 days
  • Multiple pets or have allergies: Change every 30-45 days


Tips on Changing your Air Filter

  • Turn off the unit before replacing the filter.
  • Make sure you use the right filter for your unit and make sure it’s not damaged out of the package.
  • Follow the directions for your unit to make sure you’re installing the filter properly.  For example, many filters use different colors for the front and back (or upstream and downstream flow) so that they’re not installed backwards.
  • Make sure there aren’t any gaps around the filter frame.  If this is the case, you may have the wrong size filter, or the filter itself may be defective or damaged.
  • Use an old rag to clean up any residual dust before and after you replace the filter.
  • Securely replace any levers, gaskets and/or seals.
  • Turn the unit on and observe it while it’s operating to make sure the filter stays in place.
  • Note the date of filter replacement in a convenient location for the next time you inspect it.  A filter that becomes dirty enough to change within a short period of time may indicate a problem with the unit or ventilation system, so monitoring how often the filter requires changing is important information for your technician to have.


Conditioned Air is now serving Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, Lakewood Ranch and all of Southwest Florida. If you need a new filter go to our website, place an order and it will be shipped to your door here

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