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Signs That You Should Call an HVAC Contractor

Few things are more frustrating than having to deal with a malfunctioning heater in the dead of winter or a fickle air conditioner during a blazing summer. When worst comes to worst, all you can really do is call the professionals and have them either fix the problem or replace the appliance entirely. However, you can save a lot of stress and money if you catch these issues before they bloom into complete catastrophes. In order to give you the most comfortable home possible, here are some key signs that you should call out an HVAC contractor ASAP.

Your Air Quality Is Low

There are a variety of ways that low air quality can manifest, ranging from increased sickness in the house to a noticeable scent when the air conditioner or heater are turned on. In some cases (and especially if cash is tight), this may seem like a temporary problem and mild inconvenience that will soon pass, but that’s not always true. Poor air quality is often a warning sign that things will be getting much worse in the future. The filters could be clogged, which can lead to overheating and damage in the appliances themselves. Mold can grow quickly and spread throughout the home via ventilation, leading to severe health risks.

Your Appliance Is Making Strange Noises

If you hear strange noises coming from your heater or air conditioner while they’re running, then those may be indicators of much worse problems. If pieces are loose inside, then they may break entirely. This isn’t necessarily a common problem in state-of-the-art models, but it can be a serious issue for older appliances. In the worst-case scenario, this could potentially lead to an electrical or gas hazard that could become a fire.

How a Contractor Can Help

Getting a contractor to your home as soon as possible is one of the best ways to nip these problems in the bud. They can identify what’s causing the problem, how serious it is, and determine the best way to go about fixing it. Of course, they can also help you in other ways that people don’t often think about. Your air conditioner may be working fine, and the problem may be minor, but it may also be an extremely old model that simply doesn’t have the efficiency of modern air conditioners. A contractor can help you decide if an upgrade is worth it and how much you stand to save.

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