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Spring Cleaning Tips from Lennox

Tip 1: Clean Your Air

Whether your family was sick with the flu this winter or you forgot to change your filters during the busy holiday season, chances are your home could use a refresh. Spring is the perfect time to clean the air your family is breathing. To do this, take the shields of your vents and vacuum them thoroughly, and then swap out your air filters for new ones.

Want to breathe even more perfect air year-round? The PureAir™ Air Purification System works to eliminate 99% of germs and bacteria in the air, and it is the only single indoor air quality system to combat all three classes of indoor air contaminants—particulates, bioaerosols and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)—for comprehensive air purification throughout your entire home.

Tip 2: Check for Broken Seals

A broken seal or leak around a door or window can cause your home to work harder to stay warm or cold and could lead to more-expensive monthly bills. Testing for air leaks is simple and just requires using a dollar bill to air flow. Watch this video below to see how to use the bill to check for air leaks in doors and windows:

Ready to seal up your doors and windows? Use caulking and weatherstripping to fill in gaps and reinforce the seal. Use your new dollar bill testing trick to confirm that the leak has been re-sealed.

Tip 3: Remove Sink Build-Up

You could should clean everything in your home, including the kitchen sink. Thanks to dirty dishes and consistent water usage, your sink can aquire build-up and grime that should be removed to keep your sink clean. Watch this video to learn how to properly clean your kitchen sink:

With these tips in-mind, you’re on track to get your home healthy and clean for Spring.

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