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Using AC in Fall? When and How to Get the Most From Your AC System

In Southwest Florida, year-round air conditioning use is often a reality, but by taking advantage of the cooler nights and mornings during the fall, you can reduce your energy usage and utility bills. Simply follow these simple A/C operating tips for Southwest Florida to save some money this season.

Use Natural Ventilation

In the cooler mornings or evenings, open your windows and turn on your ventilation system or some fans to bring the cooler air into your home and freshen indoor air. Once it starts to warm up in the afternoon, close the windows to keep the warm air out and close the curtains or blinds on southern windows to keep the heat of the sun at bay.

Adjust Your Thermostat

If you have not already, install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature in your home throughout the day. During cooler mornings or evenings, turn the thermostat up to prevent the air conditioner from running unnecessarily. While you are at work or asleep, raise the temperature by 10 to 15 degrees to save even more money. Finally, during the hottest part of the day, reduce the temperature to remain comfortable.

Change the Air Filter Often

Check the air filter for your air conditioner at least once a month and replace it as necessary. With the windows open to allow fresh air inside, it may become soiled more often, reducing the efficiency of your system. At least once a year, have your air conditioner inspected and maintained by a professional to keep it running at peak efficiency.

Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can help make it feel cooler at higher temperatures, and they are useful throughout the year. While the windows are open, they can help the air circulate through the home, and while the air conditioner is operating, they can help spread the cool air more evenly.

For other handy A/C operating tips for Southwest Florida, talk to our home cooling experts at Conditioned Air. We have been serving Southwest Florida, including the communities of Ft. Myers, Sarasota and Naples, since 1962.

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