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What is a Zoning System & How Does it Work?

In some homes, issues with heating and cooling may make it difficult to use a standard furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner. If this is the case, a zoning system is often the best and most practical answer. Here is a brief introduction to how they work to keep your home comfortable.

What Is a Zoning System?

Zone Systems concentrate heating or cooling in specific areas, or zones, of your home. Zones can be as small as a single room or as large as an entire floor of the structure.

They work in tandem with your existing HVAC system to ensure better and more precise control of comfort levels in the appropriate areas. They use a series of individual thermostats to control temperatures in the zones. Motorized dampers in the ductwork open or close in response to temperature needs, either increasing or decreasing the amount of heating and cooling reaching the zone. In this way, a zone system allows for precise temperature control within the one area without affecting temperatures in surrounding zones.

Why Use a Zoning System?

These systems are useful when you need better control over the heating and cooling in your home. For example, they help when:

  • It is difficult to provide consistent levels of heating or cooling throughout your home because of large floor plans.
  • Occupants need or want different levels of heating or cooling in their rooms. This allows individual temperature preferences to be met and eliminates conflicts.
  • Certain rooms or floors of your home need more heating or cooling than others.
  • Areas of your home need to have the amount of heating or cooling reduced because they aren’t being used.

Conditioned Air serves Ft. Myers, Sarasota, Bradenton, and the surrounding southwest Florida communities with top-quality HVAC services. Contact us today for more information on the uses and benefits of a zoning system and for expert advice on whether a zone system is the best choice for your home.

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